
Leh Ladakh Bike Trip: Budget Guide


For practically everyone in our country who has a motorcycle or other two-wheeled vehicle, Ladakh is a fantasy vacation destination. Will I, however, be able to pay for it? Many people are discouraged from realizing their dream because of this idea. And they’re not mistaken. When we plan a holiday, the cost is the first thing we take into account. When traveling for a longer period to a far-off location like Ladakh, it becomes even more important.

Ladakh Bicycle Tour Cost

If you carefully planned your trip, you could easily visit Ladakh while keeping your spending in check. I’ll explain how to estimate the whole cost of a bike journey to Leh Ladakh in this article. I’ll offer an example itinerary, the most typical one that visits the bulk of Ladakh’s tourist hotspots. After that, I’ll list the days and give an approximate price for a motorbike journey to Ladakh.

For the sake of this post, I’ll assume a few assumptions. The first one relates to the route. I’ll offer a suggested itinerary starting in Delhi and a summary of the associated costs. If you had a different beginning point, The only difference, if you were starting from a different location, would be the expense for the first and last days; everything else would remain the same.

The cost projection shown below will consider two angles. The first is that you’ll be going alone and paying for everything yourself. The second estimate assumes that you are a pillion, in which case the cost will be split equally between the two of you.

One of the main issues to be aware of while visiting a high-altitude location like Ladakh is acute mountain sickness. The itinerary that follows takes into account that one of the most effective defenses against AMS is moderate altitude rise.

However, not everyone will be able to adhere to this strategy entirely. This schedule might need to be modified to cut down on the number of days and make the trip shorter. AMS can be a little of a concern in this situation. Please read How to Handle Acute Mountain Sickness in Ladakh to learn the signs and symptoms of AMS and how to prevent it.

Cost of a Bike Trip to Ladakh

The following six costs will make up the majority of your overall bike trip budget for Leh Ladakh.

Preparing the bike





Use & Abuse

Other than this, there may be some other personal expenditures that you will need to estimate on your own, such as those for cigarettes, alcohol, shopping, etc. You will need to increase the cost of the estimate I am giving below if you are purchasing shoes, coats, gloves, etc. before the trip.

The cost estimate I’ll provide you below will also take into account the money you’ll have to spend on these permits. I’ll give an estimation of the least expensive for lodging and food. Depending on your preferences for food and lodging, a lot can alter here. However, the sum listed below should help you estimate your minimum spending.

How much would a motorcycle trip to Ladakh cost?

To answer the previous question gasoline will be the most expensive expense. This would be divided in half if a buddy had been your passenger.

I’ll assume a minimum average of 25 kilometers per liter for the sake of this essay. Even a Royal Enfield, in my opinion, will only provide that basic level of performance in this situation.

Even if your motorbike has a higher fuel efficiency, I still advise keeping your calculations on the low side. Your bike’s mileage will undoubtedly be impacted by the steep, difficult roads in Ladakh, and it may not be as good as it was in the city or on the highway.


Petrol costs Rs. 76.00 a liter, which I am using to determine the overall budget. Petrol costs roughly Rs. 72 in Delhi, Srinagar, and Manali at the time this piece was being written. However, it costs Rs. 80 per liter in Leh. Therefore, for the computation below, I’ll use a value of Rs. 76 per liter to average it out.


I’m estimating a conservative amount of Rs. 400 per person every day for meals. This is the highest the digit might go if you were on a tight budget. When eating while riding, you can certainly keep the number considerably below this one. But if you’re staying somewhere like Srinagar, Leh, or Manali, you could decide to spend a little more money on a decent restaurant meal. So I’ll suppose that the daily cost of all meals is Rs. 400 to be safe.


The cost of lodging will depend on where you spend the night; please refer to the itinerary. I’ll use Rs. 700 for a single room at a low-cost hotel. You

bike costs

By this, I mean the cash you’ll have to shell out to prepare the bike, transport some spare parts, and then have it serviced once more at the destination. I’ll advise you to set aside roughly Rs. 6000 as your overall budget for this.


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